Exciting news: Veterans Coming Home is scheduled to air on the World Channel throughout November!
A majority of U.S. citizens have not seen war. While many Americans serve in other ways, it can be difficult to understand the hardships our veterans face when they return home.
Through Veterans Coming Home, Kindling Group is working to change that.
While this started as a digital impact campaign, in partnership with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Wisconsin Public Television, VCH is now hitting the airwaves just in time to honor Veterans Day (November 11th). The WORLD Channel will air segments from our digital video campaign throughout the month - check your local listings for more information.
November 7th, 9PM ET: The Military/Civilian Divide
November 14th, 9PM ET: Stories of Service
November 21st, 9PM ET: Women in the Military
It’s time we unravel the stereotypes that separate civilians from veterans. Tune in, and share your reactions and ideas for bridging the military-civilian divide on Twitter and Facebook using #vetscominghome.