What is Impact Production?

What is Impact Production?

What is Impact Production?


Kindling's films have sparked conversation and fostered measurable change on issues from teen pregnancy to faith, from homelessness to public education. 

If you’d like to learn more about working with Kindling Group on your film’s engagement campaign, email us at info@kindlinggroup.org.

Work With Us

The Calling

The Calling

With a subject matter that reaches broadly and deeply into contemporary American life, The Calling’s companion digital and community engagement campaign, What’s Your Calling? (WYC), explores the notion of “calling” from both religious and secular perspectives.

To learn more, download The Calling case study here. 

Case study

Film Page

Over 100 Webisodes exploring unique "callings"
Nationwide Independent Lens broadcast
200,000+ views on YouTube

Veterans Coming Home

Veterans Coming Home

In 2016, Kindling Group partnered with Wisconsin Public Television on the digital video campaign Veterans Coming Home, a project of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The 60+ videos — produced by a team of veteran and civilian filmmakers — aimed to "bridge the military-civilian divide," sparking dialogue and understanding between the two communities. The digital campaign was supplemented by content and grassroots events produced by 11 public media stations around the country, as well as local and national broadcasts on public television.

Veterans Coming Home was renewed for a 2018 season, and we'll have an updated impact report on the outcomes of this most recent strand soon. 

Case Study

Film Page

4,838,538 online viewers
$80,000+ raised towards veteran outreach
6000+ Facebook comments
50,000+ event attendees


A Doula Story

A Doula Story

A Doula Story’s national campaign included advocacy that led to federal funding of community-based doula programs and the replication of the community-based doula model featured in the film. In parallel, local cross-sector planning meetings led to community screenings and hands-on trainings for practitioners in communities around the nation. The combined high-level advocacy and grass roots work and led to press attention and sparked new collaborations and public engagement to improve reproductive health care for women around the country.

Film Page

70 Television Broadcasts
Nationwide Community Screenings
Hundreds of health practitioners using the film




@home’s online and offline engagement campaign has reached thousands— empowering homeless individuals to tell their stories, providing encouragement to those working with the homeless and changing hearts and minds of people about this challenging subject. @home screened across Chicago in partnership with the Chicago Park District, screened at the ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood with United Way of Greater LA. Homeless service organizations in Los Angeles and Chicago were trained in using social media to strengthen their work to end homelessness. The film will air on PBS stations across the U.S. in 2015.

Film Page

60+ Community Screenings (and growing)
Nationwide public television broadcast
200,000+ views on YouTube


The School Project

The School Project

The School Project get people talking about the future of public schools, both in Chicago and around the country. The School Project’s interactive website is a home for sharing, comments, and watching stories about people who’ve been affected by changes (or lack thereof) in our school system. The project’s social media campaign will continue to drum up conversation for each event and sustain conversation long after each documentary segment screens.

Film Page

Six community screenings in Chicago
Over 2000 attendees from 52 Chicago neighborhoods
Six WTTW broadcasts on education in Chicago


Do No Harm

Do No Harm

In the run-up to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, when health care was a major area of debate for our country, Do No Harm screened in communities across the country, most notably at Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, The Arts Council, B.B. King Museum, Delta Interpretive Center, USAction, SEIU, and more.

Film Page

Nationwide Public Television Broadcast
17 Film Festivals
Nationwide Community Screenings