As documentary filmmakers, what inspires us to cover the stories that we choose? In honor of this past religious weekend, we resurrected our 2013 “What’s Your Calling” campaign to highlight movers and shakers who are spiritually emboldened to act upon their social justice passion. Here’s why!
Similar to the people featured in our vignettes, we are often initially driven by stories that reflect our passion. Yet, in the monotony of producing work, filmmaking can sometimes fall into the trap of being trendy.
How do we challenge ourselves to craft stories where impact remains the focus and fulfillment is guaranteed?
At Kindling Group, our name represents our mission. We want to inspire. We want to entertain and we want to ignite change. Therefore, we embed our storytelling approach with passion. We prioritize fulfillment above fads. And in return we see authentic results in the communities we invest in.
From the perspective of our characters, what inspires their direction is a “calling”. Take Rob, for example. He travels to preach Christian messages through hip hop music ...
Or Aura Baker, co-founder of Project Focus and social worker, who says part of a person’s calling is recognizing what you can bring to the world.
They all describe an internal feeling that solidifies and confirms that they are on the right path. Whether it is combating food deserts or protecting immigrant rights, this inner voice also led to the greatest impact in both themselves and their communities.
As filmmakers we have to tap into this “calling”. Whether you celebrated this past week religiously or secularly, it is a great reminder to take a second and evaluate whether your purpose and mission are reflected in the work you produce.
Do you feel like you’ve tapped into your calling when it comes to filmmaking? Share your stories and ideas with us on Twitter @KindlingGroup.