Hello! My name is Chakka Reeves and I am excited to be Kindling Group’s new Digital Content Producer! I’m a native south side Chicagoan, where I teach digital media arts to alternative school students. I’m looking forward to helping Kindling Group create multimedia content for our audiences and communities, as well as explore new engagement opportunities via live video (Facebook Live, Periscope), short-form storytelling (Instagram, Snapchat) and adapting our strategy to platform such as Pinterest when appropriate.
Before working for Kindling Group, I worked for the youth media organization Community TV Network (CTVN) for three years. In addition to running school year and summer programs for CTVN, I also took on their digital marketing strategy from time to time. I am an avid essayist and have written for publications such as The Root, Black Girl in Om, The Lighthouse, as well as my own personal blog, Freedomreeves.com.
Because I love making digital content so much, I created my own email magazine and podcast called Highwater, designed for curious creators who seek inspiration across mediums and disciplines. I love art and believe that it has the power to transform lives. If you have any questions, content ideas or want to say hello, drop me a line at creeves@kindlinggroup.org