Kindling Group to Partner with Facets Multi-Media

Posted by: The Kindling Team
We are proud and excited to announce a new partnership with Facets Multi-Media, a leading national media arts organization founded in Chicago in 1975. Serving audiences of over 300,000 each year, Facets excels in preserving, presenting, distributing and educating about film. Roger Ebert once referred to them as a “temple of great media” and a “giant in the rarified world of art-house films and cultural education.”
Starting in August, Facets will be distributing two of our favorite KG films: A Doula Story and Do No Harm. We are grateful that our films will be in the hands of such a respected and proficient organization. You can learn more about their mission here.
A Doula Story documents one woman's fierce commitment to empower pregnant teenagers with the skills and knowledge they need to become nurturing mothers. A woman of remarkable magnetism and complexity, Loretha Weisinger returns to the same disadvantaged neighborhood where she once struggled as a teen mom. She uses compassion and humor to teach the young mothers-to-be about everything from the importance of breast-feeding and reading to their babies to the practical details of communicating effectively with health care professionals.
Do No Harm tells the incredible story of Dr. John Bagnato and Charles Rehberg, two men who exposed significant unethical practices towards uninsured patients at Phoebe Putney Hospital, a non-profit hospital in the small town of Putney, Georgia. They uncovered millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts and lucrative for-profit businesses under the control of the non-profit hospital. Board members held exclusive contracts with the hospital and politicians received timely contributions. And shockingly - it was all legal. Do No Harm follows the stories of these unlikely activists who sacrificed much in order to expose and rectify injustices in the non-profit hospital system
The films will be available for DVD purchase as well as educational and public screenings — and we look forward to offering more KG films with Facets as we move forward. 

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