In the spring of 2013, a group of Chicago documentary filmmakers came together to begin following the wrenching closure of 47 public elementary schools in Chicago β and what the changes in our own city's school system mean for the future of public education in our country.
It's a hugely important story for our families and our community. So we're thrilled to announce that the MacArthur Foundation has generally contributed $125,000 to helping making this project possible.
We're equally excited to be working alongside some of the most talented fillmmakers we know β including Bob Hercules and Keith Walker of Media Process Group, Kartemquin's Gordon Quinn, Rachel Dickson, Melissa Sterne, Jon Siskel and Greg Jacobs of Siskel/Jacobs Productions, and Jeff McCarter of Free Spirit Media.
The Schools Project is just getting started, so stay tuned for more. And big congrats to all of the MacFound grantees!