After three years in the making, we’re proud to announce the first screening of @home, our film about homelessness in America, and one man’s dynamic mission to expose and fight the realities of life on the streets.
@home will be presented on Monday, July 22nd, at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, D.C., a three-day event featuring interactive lectures and discussions with America’s leading homeless service organizations and advocates. This year, the conference will offer workshops focused on advocacy, youth, and veterans' homelessness, as well as rapid re-housing — or the “housing first” method.
So through July, we’ll be working hard to complete @home, putting the finishing touches on our fine cut. We’re also gearing up to make the festival rounds — sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest.
Thanks to everyone who has stepped up to support @home and our campaign. You helped make the film — and the telling of an important story — possible.