
Help Us Make an Impact

Help Us Make an Impact
Tags: impact

As we look toward 2020, it’s easy to focus on how our country is divided — economically, politically, between boomers and millennials ... 

That’s why at Kindling Group we strive to use the power of storytelling to spark conversation, illustrate how we’re more alike than dissimilar, and unite people to make change. On Giving Tuesday, please consider a donation to help support KG’s impact.

We’re proud of the work Kindling Group does to change narratives, change policy, and change lives. 

That starts with our littlest Americans, and that's why we co-produced No Small Matter, which shows how early childhood education ensures that all kids have an equal start. The film has already united and mobilized advocates and stakeholders in various fields: Alabama legislators passed the largest education budget in the state’s history after screening No Small Matter at their statehouse. Hospitals are using modules from the film in their training programs for pediatricians and prenatal/postnatal women’s health experts. Dozens of universities have purchased licenses to model good teaching for future educators.

Veterans Coming Home, a multi-phase project we produced in collaboration with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS Wisconsin, has helped bridge the military-civilian divide and share success stories of veteran reintegration. We’ve built a community of more than 50,000 (and growing!) online, focused on frank, productive conversation, and the dozens of videos we produced helped empower veterans and civilians to work together towards better, more supportive returns home.

KG has also been doing its part to fight climate change, raising awareness of energy efficiency techniques thanks to a grant from the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation. Kindling Group media has reached hundreds of thousands of people via televised public service announcements, and we’ve helped build awareness of the free programs available to Illinoisans by producing fun, catchy videos about this sometimes less-than-sexy topic.

And there are lots of exciting projects in our future. Up next: A digital series called Pulling The Thread, created to combat the division and extremism that’s risen in our so-called “post-truth era.” While it’s easy to say “I’d never fall for that,” people on both ends of the political spectrum are equally susceptible to conspiracy theories because of how our brains work. Pulling The Thread will challenge viewers to “think about how they think,” a call to action that can make us all better neighbors and citizens.

Humans have shared stories and sought truth for generations. We hope you’ll help support that continued endeavor as we enter a new decade.